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Straight Gate RFP

Soliciting Qualifications and Proposals from Engineering and Planning vendors for Federal Grant Fund

Straight Gate RFP

Soliciting Qualifications and Proposals from Engineering and Planning vendors for Federal Grant Funding Projects in Energy Efficiency, Environmental Justice, and Clean Energy

History: Located in Detroit, Michigan, Straight Gate International Church was founded in 1978 by Bishop Andrew and Pastor Viveca Merritt. It is a non-denominational, full gospel ministry that teaches the Bible as the infallible Word of God and that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. Actively involved in the community, the church partners with Give Merit, Inc. and other nonprofits dedicated to uplifting Detroit's most vulnerable populations.

Purpose: Straight Gate International Church is seeking qualifications from engineering, architectural, and/or planning vendors with extensive experience in designing and implementing federal grant funding projects in the areas of energy efficiency, environmental justice, and clean energy. The purpose of this RFP is to build a team to submit proposals for federal funding opportunities under the Inflation Reduction Act and other relevant state and federally funded programs. Selected vendors will be expected to assess eligible capital projects and funding opportunities, promote multichannel approaches to community and stakeholder engagement, develop scopes of work, budgets, and implementation timelines, and ensure federal grant proposals meet all the technical requirements in the proposal. Additionally, selected vendors may be utilized to provide post-award services related to grant administration in the event Straight Gate International Church is selected for award.